
Upcoming In Person Events and Webinars

Inspired Development In-Person Events

Inspired Development Webinars

Dr. Lynda Folan Facilitating Local Government Professionals Open Programs


Leading and Managing in a VUCA world

IGNITE 1 | Leading and Managing in a VUCA world

Upcoming dates for 2024
29 – 31 July 2024
25 – 27 Nov 2024

IGNITE 1 focuses on supporting local government professionals in Western Australia who are in front-line leadership roles, such as supervisors, team leaders, and coordinators. The program targets the development of core skills essential for success in these positions and supports individuals to thrive and deliver improved results within their organisations. This innovative program is a fantastic opportunity for those looking to enhance their leadership skills and make a positive impact in their roles.


Leading with Impact and Agility

IGNITE 2 | Leading with Impact and Agility

Upcoming dates for 2024
26 – Tues 27 August 2024

IGNITE 2 is designed to support local government professionals in developing the strategies and skills needed to lead effectively in today’s dynamic business landscape. The program focuses on providing practical tools and techniques that can be implemented to enhance their leadership abilities and make a positive impact on their organisations. It is a fantastic opportunity for individuals who are eager to take their leadership to the next level and drive better results for their teams and companies.

Executive Leadership Program

Executive Leadership Program

Upcoming dates for 2024
2 – 4 Sept 2024

The Executive Leadership program is a unique opportunity for local government professionals to enhance their leadership skills and gain valuable insights into the responsibilities of executives in the public sector. The comprehensive range of strategic leadership topics and diverse range of visiting speakers provide participants with a well-rounded understanding of the role of CEOs and executives in local government. Attendees benefit from learning how to drive change and transformation within their organisations.