Facilitation, Training, Psychometric & 360 Assessments

Improving dialogue and enhancing skills and self-awareness.

The definition of Facilitation is “to make easy” or “ease the process”. A skilled facilitator plans, guides, and manages a group event to ensure that its objectives are met, with clear thinking, good participation and full buy-in from everyone who is involved.

Our facilitators are skilled in stepping back from the content to focus on the group process and environment, enabling group dynamics to flourish and helping bring the event to a successful outcome. Similarly, our Training programs are conducted by experienced facilitators and tailored to suit the individual needs of our clients.

Our facilitators are skilled in a range of psychometric assessments to aid the relevant process and assist delegates in developing their self-awareness.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

– Aristotle

We provide both in-person and online workshops. We also run a series of webinars addressing key topics.

Popular programs include:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Resilience
  • Personal impact
  • Motivation and engagement
  • Coaching skills
  • Crucial conversations
  • Values workshops
  • Customer services enhancement
  • Managing performance
  • Influencing skills
  • Advanced facilitation skills
  • Managing conflict


We are accredited in a diverse range of psychometric and organisational assessment tools

How can we help you

Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Organisational Development
Organisational Development
Building Resilient Individuals, Teams, and Organisations
Building Resilient Individuals, Teams, and Organisations
Building Engaging and Psychologically Safe Workplace Cultures
Building Engaging and Psychologically Safe Workplace Cultures
Keynote and Conference Speaking
Keynote and Conference Speaking
Executive Coaching & Mentoring
Executive Coaching & Mentoring
Facilitation, Training, Psychometric & 360 Assessments
Facilitation, Training, Psychometric & 360 Assessments
Strategic Human Resources
Strategic Human Resources