Organisation Culture Surveys, Psychometric & 360 Assessments

Organisation Culture Surveys, 360 & Psychometric Assessments

An organisations culture consists of the values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that employees share and use daily in their work. Culture is important because it drives decisions, actions, and ultimately the overall performance of the organisation. Understanding an organisations culture helps us to understand why organisations do what they do and achieve what they achieve.

The ability to measure organisational culture and organisational effectiveness and leadership effectiveness is key to bringing about change and evolution for organisations and ensuring alignment with business outcomes. An organisational survey is a diagnostic tool used to measure and track organisational change. When implemented successfully, it is a powerful and effective way of gathering the voice of your organisational stakeholders. Also, organisational surveys can be a relatively inexpensive way of collecting a large quantity of data. This data can inform the current state, the desired future state, and the steps that need to be taken to improve your organisation’s performance.

Leadership 360s provide the ability to measure the impact of your leaders on the culture and results of the organisation and are an essential measurement tool that allows you to maintain effectiveness.

Inspired development solutions provide a range of bespoke and highly validated tools in the following areas:

  • Employee Engagement Survey
  • Leadership 360’s
  • Customer Service Surveys
  • Values survey

Inspired Development Solutions is an accredited facilitator for a range of culture surveys, 360s and Psychometric tools. We also design bespoke survey tools that deliver more specific focus and outcomes.


We are accredited in the full range of Human Synergistics measurement tools including, the Organisational Cultural Inventory, the Life Styles Inventory and the Group Styles Inventory.

We are accredited in all the 360 tools provided by the Centre for creative leadership

We are accredited in all the psychometric and 360 tools provided by the Myers Briggs company.

We are accredited in a range of Neuro-Linguistic Programming assessment tools, Intelligence testing, and personality assessment.