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SGLC – Flourish and Succeed in a Volatile and Uncertain World

We live in genuinely unprecedented times and are experiencing what Bennis and Nanus visualised when they described the VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous). Our constantly changing and uncertain world is causing a new level of pressure permeating all aspects of life. This pressure impacts people through multiple avenues, such as economic instability, artificial intelligence, changing societal landscape, and environmental volatility, significantly affecting people’s ability to achieve success and maintain well-being. To meet the challenges of 2024 and beyond, we must equip ourselves to flourish and succeed no matter the pressures. Research has consistently shown that individuals with high levels of resilience have an enhanced ability to bounce back from adversity and an increased capacity to thrive in turbulent times. This keynote provides a research-based framework for resilience and a practical guide to flourishing and succeeding in a VUCA world.