Inspired Development

In today’s volatile and complex business environment, our mission is to work with organisations and leaders to maximise potential, anticipate future imperatives and remain agile and adaptable to change.

Inspired Development Solutions is a leading-edge Organisational Development Consultancy that focuses on enabling businesses to enhance their effectiveness and drive success in a volatile, constantly changing business environment. We work collaboratively with our clients to create bespoke solutions which inspire greatness in individuals, teams, and organisations.

The business was established by our Managing Director Dr. Lynda Folan in 2012 and has clients across Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe. The organisation is highly regarded for its expertise in: 

  • Leadership Development
  • Organisational Development
  • Cultural Transformation – building engaging workplace cultures that are psychologically safe.
  • Building Resilience – working with individual’s, teams and organisations to ensure they have the capacity to flourish irrelevant of the pressure.

How can we help you

Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Organisational Development
Organisational Development
Building Resilient Individuals, Teams, and Organisations
Building Resilient Individuals, Teams, and Organisations
Building Engaging and Psychologically Safe Workplace Cultures
Building Engaging and Psychologically Safe Workplace Cultures
Keynote and Conference Speaking
Keynote and Conference Speaking
Executive Coaching & Mentoring
Executive Coaching & Mentoring
Facilitation, Training, Psychometric & 360 Assessments
Facilitation, Training, Psychometric & 360 Assessments
Strategic Human Resources
Strategic Human Resources

Leader Resilience

From years of working with people, teams, and organisations across the globe and researching what makes an effective leader thrive, Dr. Lynda Folan – Managing Director of Inspired Development Solutions – brings you a new way of conceptualising leadership.

Latest Media

Psychological Safety and Workplace Culture | CEO Monthly

Why leaders need to start going above well-being to provide new levels of safety and mental health support at work.

People Management UK | What can Gen Z teach us about promotions?

Younger workers representing an increasing proportion of the workforce means organisations will need to adapt to keep up, argues Lynda Folan Gen Zs are…

Unleash | What TikTok tells HR about the 2024 workplace

There’s a lot that HR teams can learn from social media – here are some exclusive trend predictions from Organizational Psychologist Dr Lynda Folan.

Successful Founder | Inspirational Female Founder Spotlight

Dr Lynda Folan is an Organisational Psychologist, renowned Leadership and Organisational Development specialist, and author of ‘Leader Resilience, The New Frontier of Leadership (2021)’. Lynda…

Raconteur | Comments by Dr. Lynda Folan

The Raconteur recently posted an article on ‘HR & Talent’; A fierce competition for talent has led business leaders to prioritise recruitment and employee retention,…

Bounce back to work

The Sun UK | Comments by Dr. Lynda Folan

Amazing to be interviewed by the Guardian UK, Lynda Folan gives tips on “how to ask for a pay rise and make sure you get…

Minutehack | Why Regular Career Growth Conversations Are Pivotal To Employee Retention

By investing in conversations, organisations can create an environment that supports employee engagement. We have entered a new era of business, and organisations and leaders…

WORKPLACE WELLBEING PROFESSIONAL | Smart organisations are creating healthier environments

The changing focus for smart organisations Over the past few years, businesses have been impacted by unprecedented levels of volatility and uncertainty. Some have quickly…

HR ZONE | Workaholism – by Dr. Lynda Folan

Workaholism has severe implications for a person’s health and wellbeing and has a high risk of resulting in burnout. With Idris Elba recently admitting he…