Team Resilience Scale

The first step in making a change in your team’s resilience levels is to identify the aspects of team resilience and effectiveness that require a shift.

After completion, you will be able to identify your overall level of resilience along with the aspects of team resilience that are strengths and those that are weaknesses.

The questions are designed to assess your team’s resilience against a research based model of team resilience developed by Dr Lynda Folan (Folan, 2019).

Directions: Please read each statement carefully and then rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement.

Team Resilience Scale

{{ roundValue((questionIndex/quiz.questions.length)*100) }}%

{{ roundValue((questionIndex/quiz.questions.length)*100) }}% complete

{{ quiz.questions[questionIndex].text }}

Not at all A little A moderate amount A  lot  A great deal
 1   2   3   4   5 

Team Resilience Scale

Your total score is: {{score.Total}}

Name: {{quiz.fullname}}    Score: {{score.Total}}

The maximum resilience score is 300 and the lowest possible score is 60.

Score range 260 to 300: Very High level of Team Resilience
The scores indicate that your team is highly resilient and well placed to deliver excellent outcomes for your organisation. When the team faces challenges or adversity, they will bounce back, maintain momentum and continue to achieve results. To retain this level of resilience, the team will have demarcated and protected time for their continued development as a team and as individuals.

Score range 220 to 260: High level of Team Resilience
The scores indicate that your team has a high level of team resilience. However, there is an opportunity to keep developing your capacity as a team to reach excellence. The focus for your team enhancements should be the specific aspects where you have scored lower.

Score range 160 to 220: Moderate level of Team Resilience
You do have some strategies for maintaining resilience as a team and are likely to be achieving acceptable results. However, when faced with challenges, you have the potential to take longer to bounce back and maintain momentum. The team will need to dedicate time and focus on developing the team's resilience. The starting point for your team enhancements should be the specific aspects where you have scored lower.

Score range 100 to 160: Low level of team resilience
These scores indicate that your team is demonstrating low levels of resilience that are likely to be having an impact on the team’s ability to perform to an acceptable standard. While individuals may still be achieving good outcomes, the team outcomes are likely to be compromised. To shift the resilience levels and enhance results will require a focus on all aspects of team resilience.

Score range Below 100: Very low level of team resilience
These scores indicate that your team is functioning as a group of individuals and not as a team. The individual contributors are unlikely to have a focus or understanding of the team requirements. To make a change in this context will require a significant shift in all aspects of team resilience. It is anticipated that the team will need to be tightly managed through this process with an explicit requirement that everyone will need to change their behaviours.